Thursday 6 November 2014


I grew a lovely fat pumpkin in the garden this summer. I did an experiment to find out about a substance called CELLULOSE.

What is cellulose?
Cellulose is the substance that makes plants tough and woody. It is found in plant cells. The reason we have to cook some vegetables is because we need to break down the cellulose so that we can digest it. Animals like cows do not have to cook grass before they eat it because their digestive system is able to break it down. We would get very bad tummy ache if we tried to eat grass.

I cut up three pieces of pumpkin and boiled them up in these different liquids:

1. Plain water
2. Bicarbonate of soda (alkaline)
3. Apple cider vinegar (acid)

I wanted to find out which one would get softest the quickest.

The pumpkin with the apple cider vinegar got softest first, followed by the plain water and then the bicarbonate of soda. I have found out that our stomachs have acid in them (a bit like the vinegar) which helps to break down the food.

After I finished my experiment, we made the pumpkin into a jack o'lantern.

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