Thursday 20 November 2014


We made some yummy treats to help me to learn more about geology. I learned about the three main types of rock.


Igneous rocks are formed when very hot runny rock goes hard. This happens with volcanic rock that turns from lava into basalt.

I made some fudge which is formed in the same way. You start by melting the ingredients together and then it sets hard.


Metamorphic rocks form when rocks get very hot and squeezed under pressure. Marble is an example of this kind of rock. Marble starts off being limestone (which is a sedimentary rock) and gets squeezed and heated up because of volcanic and seismic activity deep under the earth.

My brownies were made in a similar way. The ingredients started off looking a certain way and changed into something different (something harder) after it had been heated up in the oven.


Sedimentary rocks are formed from many layers of rock piling up on top of one another. Sandstone is a good example.

I made a sedimentary ice cream sundae by putting layers of brownie, ice cream, fudge (for igneous boulders) together. Yum!

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