I watched a television programme all about space called "The Sky At Night". There were real scientists and astronomers talking about the stars and planets. In this episode they were talking about the Moon. They did an experiment to show what happened when an ASTEROID hit the moon billions of years ago. This is why there are craters and patterns on the moon. There are two different types of rock on the Moon. There is the old rock which is white and was formed when the Moon was formed when a giant asteroid crashed into the Earth. The new rock is which is dark formed from volcanic eruptions that happened afterwards. It is made from lava that has become hard. Bright craters are newer craters and are made when asteroids crash into the dark rock and expose the white rock beneath it. This is what we demonstrated with the experiment. Dark craters are old craters that have been filled with lava.

I am putting a layer of flour to be the old light rock and then sprinkling over a layer of cocoa powder to be the new dark rock. |
The asteroid is about to hit the surface of the Moon! |
Yeah! A brilliant crater! |
It has even made rays, which is where the rock fires off across the Moon in lines. You can see these on the Moon too. |
Sometimes experiments do not work first time! I did not use enough flour the first time. It was not deep enough! |
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